Meaning of (पिस्तौल से हत्या करने वाला व्यावसायिक हत्यारा) pistaul se hatya karane vala vyavasayik hatyara in english
As noun : shooter Ex:  The shooter was caught and imprisoned
gunslinger hitman Ex:  Swashbuckler, scrap, hitman hit man torpedo Ex:  Japanese naval land-based torpedo bombers gunman hired gun triggerman
Suggested : a self-propelled, cigar-shaped missile containing explosives and often equipped with a homing device, launched from a submarine or other warship, for destroying surface vessels or other submarines a hired killer, especially a professional killer from the underworld a hired killer, especially a professional killer from the underworld Informal gunfighter a person or thing that shoots
Exampleपिस्तौल से हत्या करने वाला व्यावसायिक हत्यारा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(पिस्तौल से हत्या करने वाला व्यावसायिक हत्यारा) pistaul se hatya karane vala vyavasayik hatyara
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 45 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
pistaula se hatyaa karane vaalaa vyaavasaayika hatyaaraa